Just an appreciation post for the care & critical eye that has gone into creating the epic Remezcla multimedia project—Tejas Made. This online effort explores snapshots of Tejas’ past, present and different possible futures made by Texans about Tejas. Covering topics ranging from what reproductive rights look like for Latines in TX, to the origin of five Tex-Mex staples, I am honored to be included in their latest feature highlighting the work of 40 Texas-based artists.
Check out their wide range of offerings plus an interactive art gallery spotlighting their picks for 40 artists to know in the Lone Star State.
Proud to be in good company with talented amigxs:
& super keen on learning about new artists, too.
Left to Right: Xochi Solis & Irene Reece
Mil gracias to the Remezcla contributors writer Barbara Calderón, editor Ecleen Luzmila Caraballo & producer Itzel Alejandra Martinez.